Quick start

For run the balancer you should have a Python 3.10 and higher on your machine and that’s enough … or not ?

Is the best way to run balancer is to use a Poetry (here it’s v1.2.2) But for quick set up and run the balancer you can use requirements.txt file


On Linux

Change directory to the folder where the balancer will be.

And then use wget utility to download:

sudo wget https://github.com/AlexandrChikur/balancer/archive/refs/tags/v.1.0.0.tar.gz

Then unarchive it with:

sudo tar -xvf balancer-v.1.0.0.tar.gz

On Windows

Simple way is to download source code from releases page

Unarchive it more comfortable way for you.


Config structure looks pretty simple:

# Config values related to balancer
  targets: # List of targets between those load will be distributed.
    target_1: # Target name. Doesn't really matter. It can be used for debugging convenience, for example
      host: localhost # Target host
      port: 4001      # Target host
#    target_2:
#      host: target_2
#      port: 4002
#  ...
#  and go on
  balance_algorithm: 'round-robin' # Algorithm that balancer should to use. Able to: 'random', 'round-robin'

Create .yaml settings file following structure above whatever you want (you will able to provide absolute path to it, or leave it in balancer folder if you dont want to use it as option when run balancer)

Simple start

Move to balancer folder and …

First, create virtual environment and install dependencies:

python -m venv .venv
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Activate venv using:

source .venv/bin/activate
Windows PowerShell
Windows CMD

About active virtual environment will indicate it’s name on each line of your CLI.

So, here you ready to start the balancer:

You can use python .balancer.py --help to see more information about options.

You will see:

Usage: balancer.py [OPTIONS]

  --config TEXT              [required]
  --logs TEXT                Path to directory where logs will be stored
                             [default: \var\log\load_balancer]
  --port INTEGER             [default: 3333]
  --max-connections INTEGER  [default: 21]
  --help                     Show this message and exit.
Run balancer
python balancer.py --port 3333 --config path/to/settings.yaml --logs /path/to/logs/

Congratulations! It works!

Run balancer
[INFO][MainThread][MainProcess] 2022-11-08 08:44:28,620 | Start BALANCER v.1.0.0
  _______   ________   __       ________   ___   __    ______   ______   ______
/_______/\ /_______/\ /_/\     /_______/\ /__/\ /__/\ /_____/\ /_____/\ /_____/\
\::: _  \ \\::: _  \ \\:\ \    \::: _  \ \\::\_\\  \ \\:::__\/ \::::_\/_\:::_ \ \
 \::(_)  \/_\::(_)  \ \\:\ \    \::(_)  \ \\:. `-\  \ \\:\ \  __\:\/___/\\:(_) ) )_
  \::  _  \ \\:: __  \ \\:\ \____\:: __  \ \\:. _    \ \\:\ \/_/\\::___\/_\: __ `\ \
   \::(_)  \ \\:.\ \  \ \\:\/___/\\:.\ \  \ \\. \`-\  \ \\:\_\ \ \\:\____/\\ \ `\ \ \
    \_______\/ \__\/\__\/ \_____\/ \__\/\__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \_____\/ \_____\/ \_\/ \_\/

[INFO][MainThread][MainProcess] 2022-11-08 08:44:28,621 | With using configuration:
                        host = localhost
                        port = 4001
        balance_algorithm = round-robin
[INFO][MainThread][MainProcess] 2022-11-08 08:44:28,622 | Add target: <Target name=target_1 host=localhost port=4001)> for load distribution
[INFO][MainThread][MainProcess] 2022-11-08 08:44:28,622 | Balancer initialization: <Balancer host= port=3333 algorithm=ROUND_ROBIN targets_amount=1> completed successfully

Start with the Poetry

Will be soon …